Jolene didn't call her self an alcoholic but she knew in no uncertain terms that her drinking was problematic. She was in the space she calls grey area drinkers. She took a body first approach using nutrition and somatic expanding to change her relationship with alcohol.
Growing up Jolene was not a big drinker but she was anxious. But in her 20's she had a big break up and found herself opening a bottle of wine she received as a gift. She found the wine immediately relived the inner pain from her break up and it changed her physical state leaving her feeling good inside. Then into her 30's the drinking continued and was her go-to whenever she felt anxious or needed to self soothe. She found a peer group that also enjoyed happy hour but her drinking also occurred at home on the couch. She wouldn’t call herself an alcoholic but she did drink a bottle of wine a night and knew her drinking eas problematic.
Over the years she would stop and start all the time. She would try paleo challenges and yoga which would help her have periods where she didn't drink anything. But as time past and she started to feel good. She would start to think the restriction was unnecessary and would romanticise alcohol. She calls this drinking amnesia.
Jolene went on to explain how she was in the space she calls grey area drinking.
Jolene Park
Now being 6 years sober and coming from a background of nutrition Jolene explained on the podcast how to take a body first approach to addiction. We spoke about neuroscience and how our brain chemicals affect our drinking. We went on to discuss how the gut and nutrition play a role in how we feel and the impact this has on our brain chemicals. This included thinking about the balance of our blood sugar and the importance of eating food on regular bases. Lastly, we discussed the specific tools you can use to change your pattern of drinking by focusing on your physiology. We wrapped up talking about our somatic experience and the role trauma has in our lives with alcohol.
Some more info about Jolene
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